Tuesday, May 26, 2020

XAMPP : Upgrade PHP and MySQL to latest Version

Many of us work on multiple projects and on long term projects also. While working condition may arise to upgrade PHP version for a project on your local development server. We just can't remove our old installation as it would also impact our old projects as old projects might be completely lost in this process.
A better way to handle this is that we might want to upgrade the existing XAMPP version to match the required PHP and MySQL version. This can be done by following the below steps.
  1. First of all take a backup of your existing htdocs and data folder (it is a subfolder of MySQL folder in XAMPP).
  2. In case you have made some changes in the configuration files like php.ini, httpd.config or any other files, than please take backup of those files also.
  3. Download the latest Version of XAMPP from their official website. (https://www.apachefriends.org/download.html)
  4. Now, reinstall the downgraded version and replace those folders with the old ones.
  5. After this replace the php.ini, httpd.config and other configuration files if you have taken backup.
With the above steps your PHP and MySQL Version will be upgraded to the latest version.

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